Tuesday 31 March 2009

First day props

Monday 30 March 2009

You begin a project and you have no idea/inspiration what to do

My first day in the studio.
I don't know what I am coming to do. I don't really have a precise question to explore.
I am also not very motivated, not so much because of the project. I love the project, but because I was recently rejected to do a PhD at Goldsmiths. Yeah, I am a sensitive man and things can get me down easily.

So anyway, I decided to start this blog again, because it helps me to think and to put my brains into action.

Here is what I think I should do today:
1. Collect all the material in disposal. That includes: technological equipment, props, music instruments, costumes (if possible), inspirational videos, books, articles etc. Put them all together and take some photos of them.
2. Check out the space and its potentials. It's not a magic moment, where I ask you to be creative, inspired or what. Check learn how the space can be used properly. Take photos of the different spaces.
3. Send photos from step 1 and 2 to friends and ask them to give their proposal to what you have. It's not a relational aesthetics piece, nor you are making their favors. It's only about discovering YouTube videos, opening your mind.
4. Warm up your voice and body. Make sure you have prepared your breath, diaphragm and are ready to project voice properly.
5. Take the microphone and do some loops, some singing, some whatever. RECORD EVERYTHING.... Don't miss anything even if it's shit. You need everything. You never know...
6. Take the most interesting quotes from your articles, books, videos. Put them all down. You don't need to make the link now, nor do you need to think of how to make them practice now. Just put them down and we see what happens.

Speak to you later...

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Hollywood is just a dream


Don't be precious
Be spectacular
Be fabulous
Be passionate
Be serious about it
Be passionate
Be camp
Be it... Don't think it
Today's internetized mass media makes it so that if people don't like something, they don't watch it, or they skip the timeline. They don't have time to spend on something if it's common, banal or bad. Make something new or if you cant think of something, just make. Don't think about it. You don't have time, you should constantly produce. Produce more than the demand so that you fuck the economy.
Dont' judge the result, don't be precious. Be naive. You can only produce and move fast. Your only way for success is during production. Not in preparation. There is no preparation, no rehearsal, no thought. So, then, during production you better be passionate about it, you better feel it. Be spectacular. Be hungry for more, be stupid for more. Your only way to learn. Be hungry, be stupid (Steve Jobs said it, not me).
Don't watch others do. Copy: it's your only way to find material. Don't reference you don't have time. Plagiarize more and more so that you fuck the academia.
Don't assemble, compose, decompose, construct, assemble, choreograph, direct, play anything. Just be spontaneous, be impulsive,unconstrained, be unprompted, unrequested, unsolicited, unstrained.
Make your own manifesto. Don't think about it. Make it spectacular, big, serious, passionate. Be passionate about it. So that you fuck the manifestos.
Fuck it all.
But when you fuck it, love it. Make love to it. Be sweet.
How can you give happyness without violence?
How can you be the new idol?
Be retro, mix up genres, mix up styles, so that everything transgresses to the other. Be the other. Don't be yourself. De the dream. Be on top, don't be the botom. Be the pop. Be the high. Just be it.

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Camping and other wild animals

Pink Flamingos by John Waters

Priscilla - The Queen of Desert
Amanda Lear

Chat on Facebook

hellow mr bono

hey nana [mouskouri]

or should i say enya ?
i dont know any famous cheasy northern irish great singers

brian kennedy

ok briany
u ok ?

kinda […]
[private conversation in between]
tell me about the project

the project
u ve seen the b.o.r.n.
this is the kind of think ive been doing the last years


paul granjon's band
the singng thing
only that i want to make it more campy
and trash

the link you sent today?
[he was speaking abou this: ]

singing bang

i didnt see that i dont think

no ?
the best performance
so anyway
my idea
is to work on amateur and camp aesthetics

i probably queued but didnt get in

seriously believing in yourself
like youtube
we have to write our own songs
play the instruments


and sing them
entertain the audience
and in a few words
make a concert like madonnas
mediatized like hell
the only restriction is


you can only say YES
coz if u say NO it means you want to make something the way you know better
and 2.
you have to believe in yourself first
thats the game
the big question that we will probably leave unanswered is how do you move your audience, how do you create feelings in your audience, how can you manipulate them
ofcourse we want to do that
and we want to do that as obvious as possible
only that we don't try to make it happen
in the end of the
"Hollywood is just a dream"

when do you want to do all this

u sound such a bureaucrat
but i tell you
i tell you everything
since you ask
in the first week of easter
one week in paf
and the inbetween time small rehearsals
premiere june

is the 2nd year trip cancelled?

tour of the concert is planned for UK, Portugal, Greece, France
new dates expected
ofcourse 2nd year trip is cancelled
but our trip is NOT cancelled
budget: none
we play it John Waters style
underground cinema in the 60-70s in US
we provide to people a fake sensation
and we are open about it

The Name

Recent days i receive these photos from friends on facebook where they create their own fictional album cover, according to some rules.
Here are the rules

My Fictional Album
To Do This

1 - Go to Wikipedia. Hit “random”
or click
The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 - Go to Quotations Page and select "random quotations"
or click http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3
The last four or five words of the very last quote on the page is the title of your first album.

3 - Go to Flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
or click http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4 - Use Photoshop or similar to put it all together. If you don't have Photoshop, you can go to https://www.photoshop.com/express/ Sign up for a free account. No money or skill required.

5 - Post it to FB with this text in the "caption" or "comment" and TAG some friends.

I decided to do my own.
I broke almost all the posted rules for doing this

so that's all how it came to a birth
Band name: The Actonian Prize
Album name: in the ideas of living.